Monday, August 23, 2010

Shutting down (sort of)

This will be the last post for Operation Lazarus. After not updating this in a year, I'll at least tell you where I am.

I broke down and got a halfway decent desktop in March. I run Ubuntu via VirtualBox (the machine came with Windows 7), along with a couple of other virtual machines. I'm going to be a teaching assistant for a programming class this fall, and the professor I'm working for asked me if I had any Unix or Linux experience, and I was happy to tell him yes!

While the original machine Lazarus is gone, the spirit of my inquiry lives on. In fact, I'm merging my thoughts into my other blog as part of expanding that blog's scope. I'll keep this one up as long as I can, though. On my newly-expanded blog, I'll definitely be posting about technology, which will probably include some open-source adventures. Come and check it out!